
This page provides an example name for each resource type using the defined configuration.

Use the filters below to jump to a specifc resource type.

Example: asspadevauc1
Type: AnalysisServices/servers (as)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: as
Scope: resource group
Length: 3 - 63 characters
Valid Characters: Lowercase letters and numbers. Start with lowercase letter.
Regx: ^[a-z][a-z0-9]{2,62}$
Example: apim-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: ApiManagement/service (apim)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: apim
Scope: global
Length: 1 - 50 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, and hyphens. Start with letter, and end with alphanumeric.
Regx: ^(?:[a-zA-Z]|[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,48}[a-zA-Z0-9])$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: apivs
Scope: service
Length: 1 - 256 characters
Invalid Characters: *#&+:<>?
Regx: ^[^\*#&\+:<>\?]{1,256}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: apis
Scope: service
Length: 1 - 256 characters
Invalid Characters: *#&+:<>?
Regx: ^[^\*#&\+:<>\?]{1,256}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: apii
Scope: api
Length: 1 - 256 characters
Invalid Characters: *#&+:<>?
Regx: ^[^\*#&\+:<>\?]{1,256}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: apiia
Scope: issue
Length: 1 - 256 characters
Invalid Characters: *#&+:<>?
Regx: ^[^\*#&\+:<>\?]{1,256}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: apiic
Scope: issue
Length: 1 - 256 characters
Invalid Characters: *#&+:<>?
Regx: ^[^\*#&\+:<>\?]{1,256}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: apio
Scope: api
Length: 1 - 256 characters
Invalid Characters: *#&+:<>?
Regx: ^[^\*#&\+:<>\?]{1,256}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: apiot
Scope: operation
Length: 1 - 256 characters
Invalid Characters: *#&+:<>?
Regx: ^[^\*#&\+:<>\?]{1,256}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: apir
Scope: api
Length: 1 - 80 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, underscores, and hyphens. Start and end with alphanumeric or underscore.
Regx: ^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9_]|[a-zA-Z0-9_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]{0,78}[a-zA-Z0-9_])$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: apis
Scope: api
Length: 1 - 256 characters
Invalid Characters: *#&+:<>?
Regx: ^[^\*#&\+:<>\?]{1,256}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: apitd
Scope: api
Length: 1 - 256 characters
Invalid Characters: *#&+:<>?
Regx: ^[^\*#&\+:<>\?]{1,256}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: apitg
Scope: api
Length: 1 - 256 characters
Invalid Characters: *#&+:<>?
Regx: ^[^\*#&\+:<>\?]{1,256}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: apias
Scope: service
Length: 1 - 256 characters
Invalid Characters: *#&+:<>?
Regx: ^[^\*#&\+:<>\?]{1,256}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: apib
Scope: service
Length: 1 - 256 characters
Invalid Characters: *#&+:<>?
Regx: ^[^\*#&\+:<>\?]{1,256}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: apic
Scope: service
Length: 1 - 256 characters
Invalid Characters: *#&+:<>?
Regx: ^[^\*#&\+:<>\?]{1,256}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: apid
Scope: service
Length: 1 - 256 characters
Invalid Characters: *#&+:<>?
Regx: ^[^\*#&\+:<>\?]{1,256}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: apig
Scope: service
Length: 1 - 256 characters
Invalid Characters: *#&+:<>?
Regx: ^[^\*#&\+:<>\?]{1,256}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: apigu
Scope: group
Length: 1 - 256 characters
Invalid Characters: *#&+:<>?
Regx: ^[^\*#&\+:<>\?]{1,256}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: apiip
Scope: service
Length: 1 - 256 characters
Invalid Characters: *#&+:<>?
Regx: ^[^\*#&\+:<>\?]{1,256}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: apil
Scope: service
Length: 1 - 256 characters
Invalid Characters: *#&+:<>?
Regx: ^[^\*#&\+:<>\?]{1,256}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: apin
Scope: service
Length: 1 - 256 characters
Invalid Characters: *#&+:<>?
Regx: ^[^\*#&\+:<>\?]{1,256}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: recem
Scope: notification
Length: 1 - 256 characters
Invalid Characters: *#&+:<>?
Regx: ^[^\*#&\+:<>\?]{1,256}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: apioi
Scope: service
Length: 1 - 256 characters
Invalid Characters: *#&+:<>?
Regx: ^[^\*#&\+:<>\?]{1,256}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: apipo
Scope: service
Length: 1 - 256 characters
Invalid Characters: *#&+:<>?
Regx: ^[^\*#&\+:<>\?]{1,256}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: apipr
Scope: service
Length: 1 - 256 characters
Invalid Characters: *#&+:<>?
Regx: ^[^\*#&\+:<>\?]{1,256}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: api
Scope: product
Length: 1 - 256 characters
Invalid Characters: *#&+:<>?
Regx: ^[^\*#&\+:<>\?]{1,256}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: grp
Scope: product
Length: 1 - 256 characters
Invalid Characters: *#&+:<>?
Regx: ^[^\*#&\+:<>\?]{1,256}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: tag
Scope: product
Length: 1 - 256 characters
Invalid Characters: *#&+:<>?
Regx: ^[^\*#&\+:<>\?]{1,256}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: prop
Scope: service
Length: 1 - 256 characters
Invalid Characters: *#&+:<>?
Regx: ^[^\*#&\+:<>\?]{1,256}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: subsr
Scope: service
Length: 1 - 256 characters
Invalid Characters: *#&+:<>?
Regx: ^[^\*#&\+:<>\?]{1,256}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: tag
Scope: service
Length: 1 - 256 characters
Invalid Characters: *#&+:<>?
Regx: ^[^\*#&\+:<>\?]{1,256}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: temp
Scope: service
Length: 1 - 256 characters
Invalid Characters: *#&+:<>?
Regx: ^[^\*#&\+:<>\?]{1,256}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: user
Scope: service
Length: 1 - 256 characters
Invalid Characters: *#&+:<>?
Regx: ^[^\*#&\+:<>\?]{1,256}$
Example: appcs-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: AppConfiguration/configurationStores (appcs)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: appcs
Scope: resource group
Length: 5 - 50 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, underscores, and hyphens.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{5,50}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: lock
Scope: scope of assignment
Length: 1 - 90 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, periods, underscores, hyphens, and parenthesis.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.()-]{0,89}[a-zA-Z0-9_()-]$
Authorization/policyAssignments - Management Group Resource Name
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: pas
Scope: scope of assignment
Length: 1 - 24 characters
Invalid Characters: %
Regx: ^(?!.*[\.]$)(?!.* $)[^%]{1,24}$
Authorization/policyAssignments - Resoure Name
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: pas
Scope: scope of assignment
Length: 1 - 64 characters
Invalid Characters: %
Regx: ^(?!.*[\.]$)(?!.* $)[^%]{1,64}$
Authorization/policyAssignments - Display Name
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: pas
Scope: scope of assignment
Length: 1 - 128 characters
Invalid Characters: %
Regx: ^(?!.*[\.]$)(?!.* $)[^%]{1,128}$
Authorization/policyDefinitions - Resoure Name
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: policy
Scope: scope of definition
Length: 1 - 64 characters
Valid Characters: Display name can contain any characters.
Invalid Characters: %
Regx: ^(?!.*[\.]$)(?!.* $)[^%]{1,64}$
Authorization/policyDefinitions - Display Name
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: policy
Scope: scope of definition
Length: 1 - 128 characters
Valid Characters: Display name can contain any characters.
Invalid Characters: %
Regx: ^(?!.*[\.]$)(?!.* $)[^%]{1,128}$
Authorization/policySetDefinitions - Management Group Resource Name
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: init
Scope: scope of definition
Length: 1 - 24 characters
Valid Characters: Display name can contain any characters.
Invalid Characters: %
Regx: ^(?!.*[\.]$)(?!.* $)[^%]{1,24}$
Authorization/policySetDefinitions - Resoure Name
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: init
Scope: scope of definition
Length: 1 - 64 characters
Valid Characters: Display name can contain any characters.
Invalid Characters: %
Regx: ^(?!.*[\.]$)(?!.* $)[^%]{1,64}$
Authorization/policySetDefinitions - Display Name
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: init
Scope: scope of definition
Length: 1 - 128 characters
Valid Characters: Display name can contain any characters.
Invalid Characters: %
Regx: ^(?!.*[\.]$)(?!.* $)[^%]{1,128}$
Example: aa-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: Automation/automationAccounts (aa)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: aa
Scope: resource group & region
Length: 6 - 50 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and hyphens. Start with letter. End with alphanumeric.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-]{4,48}[a-zA-Z0-9]$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: cert
Scope: automation account
Length: 1 - 128 characters
Invalid Characters: <>*%&:\?.+/
Regx: ^(?:[^ ]|[^<>\*%&:\\?\.\+/]{1,127}[^ ])$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: conn
Scope: automation account
Length: 1 - 128 characters
Invalid Characters: <>*%&:\?.+/
Regx: ^(?:[^ ]|[^<>\*%&:\\?\.\+/]{1,127}[^ ])$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: cred
Scope: automation account
Length: 1 - 128 characters
Invalid Characters: <>*%&:\?.+/
Regx: ^(?:[^ ]|[^<>\*%&:\\?\.\+/]{1,127}[^ ])$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: runbk
Scope: automation account
Length: 1 - 63 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, underscores, and hyphens. Start with a letter.
Regx: ^(?:[a-zA-Z]|[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]{0,62})$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: sched
Scope: automation account
Length: 1 - 128 characters
Invalid Characters: <>*%&:\?.+/
Regx: ^(?:[^ ]|[^<>\*%&:\\?\.\+/]{1,127}[^ ])$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: var
Scope: automation account
Length: 1 - 128 characters
Invalid Characters: <>*%&:\?.+/
Regx: ^(?:[^ ]|[^<>\*%&:\\?\.\+/]{1,127}[^ ])$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: watch
Scope: automation account
Length: 1 - 63 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, underscores, and hyphens. Start with a letter.
Regx: ^(?:[a-zA-Z]|[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]{0,62})$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: wbhk
Scope: automation account
Length: 1 - 128 characters
Invalid Characters: <>*%&:\?.+/
Regx: ^(?:[^ ]|[^<>\*%&:\\?\.\+/]{1,127}[^ ])$
Example: baspadevauc1
Type: Batch/batchAccounts (ba)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: ba
Scope: region
Length: 3 - 24 characters
Valid Characters: Lowercase letters and numbers.
Regx: ^[a-z0-9]{3,24}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: appl
Scope: batch account
Length: 1 - 64 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, underscores, and hyphens.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,64}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: cert
Scope: batch account
Length: 5 - 45 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, underscores, and hyphens.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{5,45}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: pool
Scope: batch account
Length: 1 - 64 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, underscores, and hyphens.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,64}$
Example: blchmspadevauc1
Type: Blockchain/blockchainMembers (blchm)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: blchm
Scope: global
Length: 2 - 20 characters
Valid Characters: Lowercase letters and numbers. Start with lowercase letter.
Regx: ^[a-z][a-z0-9]{2,24}$
Example: bpas-spa-dev
Type: Blueprint/blueprintAssignments (bpas)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: Org,UnitDept,Location,Instance
Excluded Components: Function
Short Name: bpas
Scope: tenant
Length: 1 - 90 characters
Valid Characters: Letters, numbers, hyphens, and periods.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9-.]{1,90}$
Example: bp-spa-dev
Type: Blueprint/blueprints (bp)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: Org,UnitDept,Location,Instance
Excluded Components: Function
Short Name: bp
Scope: tenant
Length: 1 - 48 characters
Valid Characters: Letters, numbers, hyphens, and periods.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9-.]{1,48}$
Example: bpa-spa-dev
Type: Blueprint/blueprints/artifacts (bpa)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: Org,UnitDept,Location,Instance
Excluded Components: Function
Short Name: bpa
Scope: tenant
Length: 1 - 48 characters
Valid Characters: Letters, numbers, hyphens, and periods.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9-.]{1,48}$
Example: bpv-spa-dev
Type: Blueprint/blueprints/versions (bpv)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: Org,UnitDept,Location,Instance
Excluded Components: Function
Short Name: bpv
Scope: tenant
Length: 1 - 20 characters
Valid Characters: Letters, numbers, hyphens, and periods.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9-.]{1,20}$
Example: botsvc-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: BotService/botServices (botsvc)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: botsvc
Scope: global
Length: 2 - 64 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens. Start with alphanumeric.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]{1,63}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: chan
Scope: bot service
Length: 2 - 64 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens. Start with alphanumeric.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]{1,63}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: conn
Scope: bot service
Length: 2 - 64 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens. Start with alphanumeric.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]{1,63}$
Example: botec-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: BotService/enterpriseChannels (botec)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: botec
Scope: resource group
Length: 2 - 64 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens. Start with alphanumeric.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]{1,63}$
Example: redis-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: Cache/Redis (redis)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: redis
Scope: global
Length: 1 - 63 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and hyphens. Start and end with alphanumeric.
Regx: ^(?!.*-{2}.*)([a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: rule
Scope: Redis
Length: 1 - 256 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,256}$
Example: cdnp-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: Cdn/profiles (cdnp)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: cdnp
Scope: resource group
Length: 1 - 260 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and hyphens. Start and end with alphanumeric.
Regx: ^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,258}[a-zA-Z0-9])$
Example: cdne-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: Cdn/profiles/endpoints (cdne)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: cdne
Scope: global
Length: 1 - 50 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and hyphens. Start and end with alphanumeric.
Regx: ^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,48}[a-zA-Z0-9])$
Example: cercospadevauc1
Type: CertificateRegistration/certificateOrders (cerco)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: cerco
Scope: resource group
Length: 3 - 30 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,30}$
Example: cog-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: CognitiveServices/accounts (cog)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: cog
Scope: resource group
Length: 2 - 64 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and hyphens. Start and end with alphanumeric.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,62}[a-zA-Z0-9]$
Example: avail-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: Compute/availabilitySets (avail)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept,Function
Excluded Components: Org
Short Name: avail
Scope: resource group
Length: 1 - 80 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens. Start with alphanumeric. End with alphanumeric or underscore
Regx: ^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]{0,78}[a-zA-Z0-9_])$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Short Name: cld
Example: desspadevauc1
Type: Compute/diskEncryptionSets (des)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: des
Scope: resource group
Length: 1 - 80 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and underscores.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,80}$
Compute/disks - OS Disk
Example: osdiskspafuncdevauc1
Type: Compute/disks (osdisk)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Function: Sample Function (func)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org
Short Name: osdisk
Scope: resource group
Length: 1 - 80 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and underscores.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,80}$
Compute/disks - Data Disk
Example: diskspafuncdevauc1
Type: Compute/disks (disk)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Function: Sample Function (func)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org
Short Name: disk
Scope: resource group
Length: 1 - 80 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and underscores.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,80}$
Example: galspadevauc1
Type: Compute/galleries (gal)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: gal
Scope: resource group
Length: 1 - 80 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and periods. Start and end with alphanumeric.
Regx: ^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\.]{0,78}[a-zA-Z0-9])$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: app
Scope: gallery
Length: 1 - 80 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, hyphens, and periods. Start and end with alphanumeric.
Regx: ^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-\.]{0,78}[a-zA-Z0-9])$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
This resource type has a unique naming pattern and must be manually named.
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: gimg
Scope: gallery
Length: 1 - 80 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, underscores, hyphens, and periods. Start and end with alphanumeric.
Regx: ^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]{0,78}[a-zA-Z0-9])$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
This resource type has a unique naming pattern and must be manually named.
Example: cimg-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: Compute/images (cimg)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: cimg
Scope: resource group
Length: 1 - 80 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens. Start with alphanumeric. End with alphanumeric or underscore
Regx: ^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]{0,78}[a-zA-Z0-9_])$
Example: snap-spa-func-dev-auc-1
Type: Compute/snapshots (snap)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Function: Sample Function (func)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org
Short Name: snap
Scope: resource group
Length: 1 - 80 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens. Start with alphanumeric. End with alphanumeric or underscore
Regx: ^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]{0,78}[a-zA-Z0-9_])$
Compute/virtualMachines - Linux
Example: vm-spa-func-dev-auc-1
Type: Compute/virtualMachines (vm)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Function: Sample Function (func)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org
Short Name: vm
Scope: resource group
Length: 1 - 64 characters
Invalid Characters: \/\'[]:|<>+=;,?*@&_"
Regx: ^(?!.*[.]$)(?!.*-$)[^\/\[\]:|<>\+=;,\?@&_\*]{1,64}$
Compute/virtualMachines - Windows
Example: vmspafuncdevauc1
Type: Compute/virtualMachines (vm)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Function: Sample Function (func)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org
Short Name: vm
Scope: resource group
Length: 1 - 15 characters
Invalid Characters: /\'[]:|<>+=;,?*@&_ ."
Regx: ^(?!.*-$)[^\/\[\]:|<>\+=;,\?@&_\. \*]{1,15}$
Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets - Linux
Example: vmss-spa-func-dev-auc-1
Type: Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets (vmss)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Function: Sample Function (func)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org
Short Name: vmss
Scope: resource group
Length: 1 - 64 characters
Invalid Characters: /"'[]:|<>+=;,?*@&
Regx: ^(?!_.*$)(?!.*[-\.]$)[^\/\[\]:|<>\+=;,\?@& \*]{1,64}$
Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets - Windows
Example: vmssspafuncdevauc1
Type: Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets (vmss)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Function: Sample Function (func)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org
Short Name: vmss
Scope: resource group
Length: 1 - 15 characters
Invalid Characters: /"'[]:|<>+=;,?*@&
Regx: ^(?!_.*$)(?!.*[-.]$)[^"\/\[\]:|<>\+=;,\?@& \*]{1,15}$
Example: ci-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: ContainerInstance/containerGroups (ci)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: ci
Scope: resource group
Length: 1 - 63 characters
Valid Characters: Lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
Regx: ^(?!-.*)(?!.*-$)(?!.*-{2}.*)[a-z0-9-]{1,63}$
Example: crspadevauc1
Type: ContainerRegistry/registries (cr)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: cr
Scope: global
Length: 5 - 50 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{5,50}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: btsk
Scope: registry
Length: 5 - 50 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{5,50}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: step
Scope: build task
Length: 5 - 50 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{5,50}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: rep
Scope: registry
Length: 5 - 50 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{5,50}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: scmap
Scope: registry
Length: 5 - 50 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, hyphens, and underscores.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{5,50}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: task
Scope: registry
Length: 5 - 50 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, hyphens, and underscores.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{5,50}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: tokn
Scope: registry
Length: 5 - 50 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, hyphens, and underscores.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{5,50}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: webhk
Scope: registry
Length: 5 - 50 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{5,50}$
Example: aks-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: ContainerService/managedClusters (aks)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: aks
Scope: resource group
Length: 1 - 63 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, underscores, and hyphens. Start and end with alphanumeric.
Regx: ^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])$
Example: osmcspadevauc1
Type: ContainerServiceopenShiftManagedClusters (osmc)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: osmc
Scope: resource group
Length: 1 - 30 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30}$
Example: cihubspadevauc1
Type: CustomerInsights/hubs (cihub)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: cihub
Scope: resource group
Length: 1 - 64 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics. Start with letter.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]{0,63}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: authp
Scope: hub
Length: 1 - 50 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, underscores, and periods. Start and end with alphnumeric.
Regx: ^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_-]{0,48}[a-zA-Z0-9])$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: conn
Scope: hub
Length: 1 - 128 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and underscores. Start with letter.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]{0,127}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: map
Scope: connector
Length: 1 - 128 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and underscores. Start with letter.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]{0,127}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: int
Scope: hub
Length: 1 - 128 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and underscores. Start with letter.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]{0,127}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: kpi
Scope: hub
Length: 1 - 512 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and underscores. Start with letter.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]{0,511}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: link
Scope: hub
Length: 1 - 512 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and underscores. Start with letter.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]{0,511}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: pred
Scope: hub
Length: 1 - 512 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and underscores. Start with letter.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]{0,511}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: prof
Scope: hub
Length: 1 - 128 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and underscores. Start with letter.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]{0,127}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: rlink
Scope: hub
Length: 1 - 512 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and underscores. Start with letter.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]{0,511}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: rel
Scope: hub
Length: 1 - 512 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and underscores. Start with letter.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]{0,511}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: role
Scope: hub
Length: 1 - 128 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and underscores. Start with letter.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]{0,127}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: view
Scope: hub
Length: 1 - 512 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and underscores. Start with letter.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]{0,511}$
Example: cpas-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: CustomProviders/associations (cpas)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: cpas
Scope: resource group
Length: 1 - 180 characters
Invalid Characters: %&\?/
Regx: ^(?:[^%&\\?/\. ]|[^%&\\?/]{1,179}[^. ])$
Example: cprep-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: CustomProviders/resourceProviders (cprep)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: cprep
Scope: resource group
Length: 3 - 64 characters
Invalid Characters: %&\?/
Regx: ^[^%&\\?/]{3,63}[^. ]$
Example: dbjob-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: DataBox/jobs (dbjob)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: dbjob
Scope: resource group
Length: 3 - 24 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, hyphens, underscores and periods.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]{3,24}$
Example: dbw-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: Databricks/workspaces (dbw)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: dbw
Scope: resource group
Length: 3 - 30 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, underscores, and hyphens
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,30}$
Example: adf-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: DataFactory/factories (adf)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: adf
Scope: global
Length: 3 - 63 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and hyphens. Start and end with alphanumeric.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,61}[a-zA-Z0-9]$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: flow
Scope: factory
Length: 1 - 260 characters
Valid Characters: Start with alphanumeric.
Invalid Characters: <>*#.%&:\+?/
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9][^<>\*#\.%&:\\+\?/]{0,259}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: dset
Scope: factory
Length: 1 - 260 characters
Valid Characters: Start with alphanumeric.
Invalid Characters: <>*#.%&:\+?/
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9][^<>\*#\.%&:\\+\?/]{0,259}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: run
Scope: factory
Length: 3 - 63 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and hyphens. Start and end with alphanumeric.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,61}[a-zA-Z0-9]$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: lksvc
Scope: factory
Length: 1 - 260 characters
Valid Characters: Start with alphanumeric.
Invalid Characters: <>*#.%&:\+?/
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9][^<>\*#\.%&:\\+\?/]{0,259}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: pipe
Scope: factory
Length: 1 - 260 characters
Valid Characters: Start with alphanumeric.
Invalid Characters: <>*#.%&:\+?/
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9][^<>\*#\.%&:\\+\?/]{0,259}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: trig
Scope: factory
Length: 1 - 260 characters
Valid Characters: Start with alphanumeric.
Invalid Characters: <>*#.%&:\+?/
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9][^<>\*#\.%&:\\+\?/]{0,259}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: rerun
Scope: trigger
Length: 1 - 260 characters
Valid Characters: Start with alphanumeric.
Invalid Characters: <>*#.%&:\+?/
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9][^<>\*#\.%&:\\+\?/]{0,259}$
Example: dlaspadevauc1
Type: DataLakeAnalytics/accounts (dla)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: dla
Scope: global
Length: 3 - 24 characters
Valid Characters: Lowercase letters and numbers.
Regx: ^[a-z0-9]{3,24}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: cmpol
Scope: account
Length: 3 - 60 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, hyphens, and underscores.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,60}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: dlsta
Scope: account
Length: 3 - 24 characters
Valid Characters: Lowercase letters and numbers.
Regx: ^[a-z0-9]{3,24}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: rule
Scope: account
Length: 3 - 50 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, hyphens, and underscores.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,50}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: dlasa
Scope: account
Length: 3 - 60 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, hyphens, and underscores.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,60}$
Example: dlsspadevauc1
Type: DataLakeStore/accounts (dls)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: dls
Scope: global
Length: 3 - 24 characters
Valid Characters: Lowercase letters and numbers.
Regx: ^[a-z0-9]{3,24}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: rule
Scope: account
Length: 3 - 50 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, hyphens, and underscores.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,50}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: rule
Scope: account
Length: 3 - 50 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, hyphens, and underscores.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,50}$
Example: dms-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: DataMigration/services (dms)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: dms
Scope: resource group
Length: 2 - 62 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, hyphens, periods, and underscores. Start with alphanumeric
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]{1,61}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: proj
Scope: service
Length: 2 - 57 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, hyphens, periods, and underscores.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]{2,57}$
Example: mdbsv-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: DBforMariaDB/servers (mdbsv)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: mdbsv
Scope: global
Length: 3 - 63 characters
Valid Characters: Lowercase letters, hyphens and numbers.
Regx: ^(?!-.*)(?!.*-$)[a-z0-9-]{3,63}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: mdbdb
Scope: servers
Length: 1 - 63 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and hyphens.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,63}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: rule
Scope: servers
Length: 1 - 128 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, hyphens, and underscores.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,128}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: rule
Scope: servers
Length: 1 - 128 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and hyphens.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,128}$
Example: mysql-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: DBforMySQL/servers (mysql)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: mysql
Scope: global
Length: 3 - 63 characters
Valid Characters: Lowercase letters, hyphens and numbers.
Regx: ^(?!-.*)(?!.*-$)[a-z0-9-]{3,63}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: db
Scope: servers
Length: 1 - 63 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and hyphens.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,63}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: rule
Scope: servers
Length: 1 - 128 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, hyphens, and underscores.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,128}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: rule
Scope: servers
Length: 1 - 128 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and hyphens.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,128}$
Example: psql-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: DBforPostgreSQL/servers (psql)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: psql
Scope: global
Length: 3 - 63 characters
Valid Characters: Lowercase letters, hyphens and numbers.
Regx: ^(?!-.*)(?!.*-$)[a-z0-9-]{3,63}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: db
Scope: servers
Length: 1 - 63 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and hyphens.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,63}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: rule
Scope: servers
Length: 1 - 128 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, hyphens, and underscores.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,128}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: rule
Scope: servers
Length: 1 - 128 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and hyphens.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,128}$
Example: iot-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: Devices/IotHubs (iot)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: iot
Scope: global
Length: 3 - 50 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and hyphens.
Regx: ^(?!.*-$)[a-zA-Z0-9-]{3,50}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: cert
Scope: IoT hub
Length: 1 - 64 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, hyphens, periods, and underscores.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]{1,64}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: congp
Scope: eventHubEndpoints
Length: 1 - 50 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, hyphens, periods, and underscores.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]{1,50}$
Example: provs-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: Devices/provisioningServices (provs)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: provs
Scope: resource group
Length: 3 - 64 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and hyphens. End with alphanumeric
Regx: ^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{2,63}[a-zA-Z0-9])$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: pcert
Scope: provisioningServices
Length: 1 - 64 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, hyphens, periods, and underscores.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]{1,64}$
Example: dtlab-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: DevTestLab/labs (dtlab)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: dtlab
Scope: resource group
Length: 1 - 50 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, underscores, and hyphens.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,50}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: img
Scope: lab
Length: 1 - 80 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, underscores, hyphens, and parentheses.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_()-]{1,80}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: form
Scope: lab
Length: 1 - 80 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, underscores, hyphens, and parentheses.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_()-]{1,80}$
DevTestLab/labs/virtualmachines - Linux
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org
Short Name: vm
Scope: lab
Length: 1 - 64 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and hyphens. Start and end with alphanumeric.
Regx: ^(?![0-9]+$)([a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,62}[a-zA-Z0-9])$
DevTestLab/labs/virtualmachines - Windows
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org
Short Name: vm
Scope: lab
Length: 1 - 15 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and hyphens. Start and end with alphanumeric.
Regx: ^(?![0-9]+$)([a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,13}[a-zA-Z0-9])$
Example: dbact-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: DocumentDB/databaseAccounts (dbact)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: dbact
Scope: global
Length: 3 - 44 characters
Valid Characters: Lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens. Start with lowercase letter or number.
Regx: ^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]{2,43}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Short Name: cosmos
Example: evgd-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: EventGrid/domains (evgd)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: evgd
Scope: resource group
Length: 3 - 50 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and hyphens.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{3,50}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: evgt
Scope: domain
Length: 3 - 50 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and hyphens.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{3,50}$
Example: evgs-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: EventGrid/eventSubscriptions (evgs)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: evgs
Scope: resource group
Length: 3 - 64 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and hyphens.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{3,64}$
Example: egtp-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: EventGrid/topics (egtp)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: egtp
Scope: resource group
Length: 3 - 50 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and hyphens.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{3,50}$
Example: evhcl-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: EventHub/clusters (evhcl)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: evhcl
Scope: resource group
Length: 1 - 50 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and hyphens. Start with letter. End with letter or number.
Regx: ^(?:[a-zA-Z]|[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,48}[a-zA-Z0-9])$
Example: evhns-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: EventHub/namespaces (evhns)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: evhns
Scope: global
Length: 1 - 50 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and hyphens. Start with letter. End with letter or number.
Regx: ^(?:[a-zA-Z]|[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,48}[a-zA-Z0-9])$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: rule
Scope: namespace
Length: 1 - 50 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, periods, hyphens and underscores. Start and end with letter or number.
Regx: ^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]{0,48}[a-zA-Z0-9])$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: drcfg
Scope: namespace
Length: 1 - 50 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, periods, hyphens and underscores. Start and end with letter or number.
Regx: ^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]{0,48}[a-zA-Z0-9])$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: evh
Scope: namespace
Length: 1 - 50 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, periods, hyphens and underscores. Start and end with letter or number.
Regx: ^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]{0,48}[a-zA-Z0-9])$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: rule
Scope: event hub
Length: 1 - 50 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, periods, hyphens and underscores. Start and end with letter or number.
Regx: ^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]{0,48}[a-zA-Z0-9])$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: cgrp
Scope: event hub
Length: 1 - 50 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, periods, hyphens and underscores. Start and end with letter or number.
Regx: ^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]{0,48}[a-zA-Z0-9])$
HDInsight/clusters - Spark Cluster
Example: mls-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: HDInsight/clusters (mls)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: mls
Scope: global
Length: 3 - 59 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and hyphens. Start and end with letter or number
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,57}[a-zA-Z0-9]$
HDInsight/clusters - Storm Cluster
Example: spark-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: HDInsight/clusters (spark)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: spark
Scope: global
Length: 3 - 59 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and hyphens. Start and end with letter or number
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,57}[a-zA-Z0-9]$
HDInsight/clusters - ML Services Cluster
Example: storm-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: HDInsight/clusters (storm)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: storm
Scope: global
Length: 3 - 59 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and hyphens. Start and end with letter or number
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,57}[a-zA-Z0-9]$
HDInsight/clusters - Hadoop Cluster
Example: hadoop-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: HDInsight/clusters (hadoop)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: hadoop
Scope: global
Length: 3 - 59 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and hyphens. Start and end with letter or number
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,57}[a-zA-Z0-9]$
HDInsight/clusters - HBase Cluster
Example: hbase-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: HDInsight/clusters (hbase)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: hbase
Scope: global
Length: 3 - 59 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and hyphens. Start and end with letter or number
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,57}[a-zA-Z0-9]$
HDInsight/clusters - Kafka Cluster
Example: kafka-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: HDInsight/clusters (kafka)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: kafka
Scope: global
Length: 3 - 59 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and hyphens. Start and end with letter or number
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,57}[a-zA-Z0-9]$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Short Name: arcs
Example: iejob-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: ImportExport/jobs (iejob)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: iejob
Scope: resource group
Length: 2 - 64 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and hyphens. Start with letter.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,63}$
Example: ag-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: Insights/actionGroups (ag)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: ag
Scope: resource group
Length: 1 - 260 characters
Invalid Characters: /&%\?
Regx: ^(?!.*[\.]$)(?!.* $)[^/&%\\?]{1,260}$
Example: inala-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: Insights/activityLogAlerts (inala)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: inala
Scope: resource group
Length: 1 - 260 characters
Invalid Characters: <>*%{}&:\?+/#
Regx: ^(?!.*[\.]$)(?!.* $)[^<>\*%{}&:\\?\+/#]{1,260}$
Example: appi-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: Insights/components (appi)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: appi
Scope: resource group
Length: 1 - 260 characters
Invalid Characters: %&\?/
Regx: ^(?!.*[\.]$)(?!.* $)[^%&\\?/]{1,260}$
Example: inma-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: Insights/metricAlerts (inma)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: inma
Scope: resource group
Length: 1 - 260 characters
Invalid Characters: *#&+:<>?@%{}/
Regx: ^(?!.*[\.]$)(?!.* $)[^\*#&\+:<>\?@%{}\/]{1,260}$
Example: insqr-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: Insights/scheduledQueryRules (insqr)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: insqr
Scope: resource group
Length: 1 - 260 characters
Invalid Characters: *<>%{}&:\?/#
Regx: ^(?!.*[\.]$)(?!.* $)[^\*<>%{}&:\\?/#]{1,260}$
Example: iotapp-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: IoTCentral/IoTApps (iotapp)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: iotapp
Scope: global
Length: 2 - 63 characters
Valid Characters: Lowercase letters, numbers and hyphens. Start with lowercase letter or number
Regx: ^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]{1,62}$
Example: kv-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: KeyVault/vaults (kv)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: kv
Scope: global
Length: 3 - 24 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and hyphens. Start with letter. End with letter or number.
Regx: ^(?!.*-{2}.*)([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,22}[a-zA-Z0-9])$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: kvs
Scope: Vault
Length: 1 - 127 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and hyphens.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,127}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Short Name: arck
Example: decspadevauc1
Type: Kusto/clusters (dec)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: dec
Scope: global
Length: 4 - 22 characters
Valid Characters: Lowercase letters and numbers. Start with letter.
Regx: ^[a-z][a-z0-9]{3,21}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: dedb
Scope: cluster
Length: 1 - 260 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, hyphens, spaces, and periods.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9-\. ]{1,260}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: dcon
Scope: database
Length: 1 - 40 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, hyphens, spaces, and periods.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9-\. ]{1,40}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: ehcon
Scope: database
Length: 1 - 40 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, hyphens, spaces, and periods.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9-\. ]{1,40}$
Example: ia-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: Logic/integrationAccounts (ia)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: ia
Scope: resource group
Length: 1 - 80 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, hyphens, underscores, periods, and parenthesis.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.()-]{1,80}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: assem
Scope: integration account
Length: 1 - 80 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, hyphens, underscores, periods, and parenthesis.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.()-]{1,80}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: bconf
Scope: integration account
Length: 1 - 20 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,20}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: cert
Scope: integration account
Length: 1 - 80 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, hyphens, underscores, periods, and parenthesis.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.()-]{1,80}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: map
Scope: integration account
Length: 1 - 80 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, hyphens, underscores, periods, and parenthesis.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.()-]{1,80}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: part
Scope: integration account
Length: 1 - 80 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, hyphens, underscores, periods, and parenthesis.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.()-]{1,80}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: rpcnf
Scope: integration account
Length: 1 - 80 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, hyphens, underscores, periods, and parenthesis.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.()-]{1,80}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: schem
Scope: integration account
Length: 1 - 80 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, hyphens, underscores, periods, and parenthesis.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.()-]{1,80}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: ses
Scope: integration account
Length: 1 - 80 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, hyphens, underscores, periods, and parenthesis.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.()-]{1,80}$
Example: lise-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: Logic/integrationServiceEnvironments (lise)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: lise
Scope: resource group
Length: 1 - 80 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, hyphens, periods, and underscores.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]{1,80}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: mapi
Scope: integration service environment
Length: 1 - 80 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, hyphens, periods, and underscores.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]{1,80}$
Example: logic-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: Logic/workflows (logic)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: logic
Scope: resource group
Length: 1 - 80 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, hyphens, underscores, periods, and parenthesis.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.()-]{1,80}$
Example: mlcp-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: MachineLearning/commitmentPlans (mlcp)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: mlcp
Scope: resource group
Length: 1 - 260 characters
Invalid Characters: <>*%&:?+/\
Regx: ^(?!.* $)[^<>\*%&:\+\/\?]{1,260}$
Example: mlweb-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: MachineLearning/webServices (mlweb)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: mlweb
Scope: resource group
Length: 1 - 260 characters
Invalid Characters: <>*%&:?+/\
Regx: ^(?!.* $)[^<>\*%&:\+\/\?]{1,260}$
Example: mlws-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: MachineLearning/workspaces (mlws)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: mlws
Scope: resource group
Length: 1 - 260 characters
Invalid Characters: <>*%&:?+/\
Regx: ^(?!.* $)[^<>\*%&:\+\/\?]{1,260}$
Example: mlw-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: MachineLearningServices/workspaces (mlw)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: mlw
Scope: resource group
Length: 3 - 33 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and hyphens.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{3,33}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: mlswc
Scope: workspace
Length: 2 - 16 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and hyphens.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{2,16}$
Example: id-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities (id)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: id
Scope: resource group
Length: 3 - 128 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, hyphens, and underscores. Start with letter or number.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_-]{2,127}$
Example: mg
Type: Management/managementGroups (mg)
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: Org,UnitDept,ProjAppSvc,Environment
Excluded Components: Function,Instance,Location
Short Name: mg
Scope: tenant
Example: macc-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: Maps/accounts (macc)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: macc
Scope: resource group
Length: 1 - 98 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens. Start with alphanumeric.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]{0,97}$
Example: mmsspadevauc1
Type: Media/mediaservices (mms)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: mms
Scope: resource group
Length: 3 - 24 characters
Valid Characters: Lowercase letters and numbers.
Regx: ^[a-z0-9]{3,24}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: lievt
Scope: Media service
Length: 1 - 32 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and hyphens. Start with alphanumeric.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,31}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: liout
Scope: Live event
Length: 1 - 256 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and hyphens. Start with alphanumeric.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,255}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: strep
Scope: Media service
Length: 1 - 256 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics and hyphens.
Regx: ^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,256}$
This resource has a lower-level scope and does not require a unique name.
Naming Guidelines
Short Name: migr
Example: agw-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: Network/applicationGateways (agw)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: agw
Scope: resource group
Length: 1 - 24 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens. Start with alphanumeric. End with alphanumeric or underscore.
Regx: ^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]{0,22}[a-zA-Z0-9_])$
Example: asg-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: Network/applicationSecurityGroups (asg)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: asg
Scope: resource group
Length: 1 - 80 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens. Start with alphanumeric. End with alphanumeric or underscore.
Regx: ^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]{0,78}[a-zA-Z0-9_])$
Example: afw-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: Network/azureFirewalls (afw)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: afw
Scope: resource group
Length: 1 - 80 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens. Start with alphanumeric. End with alphanumeric or underscore.
Regx: ^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]{0,78}[a-zA-Z0-9_])$
Example: bas-spa-dev-auc-1
Type: Network/bastionHosts (bas)
ProjAppSvc: Sample Project/App/Service (spa)
Environment: Development (dev)
Location: Australia Central (auc)
Instance: 1
Naming Guidelines
Optional Components: UnitDept
Excluded Components: Org,Function
Short Name: bas
Scope: resource group
Length: 1 - 80 characters
Valid Characters: Alphanumerics, underscores, periods, and hyphens. Start with alphanumeric. End with alphanumeric or underscore.
Regx: ^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]{0,78}[a-zA-Z0-9_])$