Azure Naming Tool

This tool was designed using the best practices in the Azure Cloud Adoption Framework which adheres to a few rules and allows the complete customization of your naming convention. While most of the customizations can be made in your web browser, this tool also includes an API.

For guidance on the API, review your swagger page at: swagger/index.html


The Admin page is used to configure the Azure Naming Tool. This page is only accessible by Admin users.


The Instructions page provides documentation for the site pages. Each page of the site contains a documentation link (top right) that will open contextual instructions for the current page.


The Configuration page provides all the data points that make up your naming convention. There are 8 standard components that may be used to name each Azure resource. The data within each of those components can be completely customized, except for the resource types. For the resource types, only the short name, optional, and excluded values may be updated. A delimiter may be selected to separate each component in your resource names. However, the delimiter will be included in a resource name if that character is allowed. The tool also supports the ability to define custom components. This allows administrators to create new components for the naming convention. Your configuration may be exported under the Global Configuration header. We recommend doing that after defining your naming convention as a backup.


The Reference page provides an example of each Azure resource type using your defined naming convention. The example values do not include any excluded naming components. Optional components are always displayed and are identified below the example. Since unique names are only required at specific scopes, the examples provided are only generated for the scopes above the resource scope: resource group, resource group & region, region, global, subscription, and tenant.


The Generate page provides a drop-down menu to select an Azure resource type. Once a resource is selected, the naming component options are provided. Read-only components cannot be changed, like the value for a resource type. Optional components, if unselected, will be null and not shown in the output. Required components do not allow a null value and will require a selection from the menu.

Generated Names Log

The Generated Names Log contains a record of all names generated in the Azure Naming Tool. This includes the date, user, generated name, resource type, and components selected. This log can be exported to a .csv file.