
This page provides instructions on how to configure and use the Azure Naming Tool.

The Configuration page is used to view/set the configuration for the tool and the resource naming components. This page is separated into multiple sections. Each section displays the configuration for the individual components.


Base Configuration

This section displays the current required/optional base components for resource name generation.


This section displays the current required/optional components which will be used for resource name generation.


This section displays the current delimiter. In the event a resource type does not allow the selected delimiter, it will be removed.

Component Configuration

This section displays the current required/optional components. Each component displays the current component options that can be selected.


The Generate page allows users to generate names with the selected options. Names can be generated for a single resource type or mutliple resource types. The Generate page will display the required and optional components configured by the administrator.

Generate Mode

This section allows the user to select the desired resource type(s) name to generate. Use the Category selector to filter the list of resource types.

Single Resource Type

This option will generate a single resource type name using the selected components. All naming guidelines will be applied.

Generate 1

Multiple Resource Types

This option will generate a resource type name for each selected resource type using the selected components. All naming guidelines will be applied. All components will be required.

Generate 2

After selecting the desired options, click Generate to generate the resource type name(s). The application will attempt to validate the generated name(s) with the naming guidelines.

Generated Name(s)

This section will display the generated name(s), along with any notes for the validation process. The list of names can be exported to a CSV file for use in other applications.

Generate 3

Resource Type(s)

This section allows the user to selected the desired resource type(s) name to generate. Use the Category selector to filter the list of resource types.

Naming Guidelines (Single Resource Type)

This section displays the naming guidelines for the selected resource type. These guidelines wil be used to validate the generated name.


Select the desired values for the required components. Optional components may be omitted.

Generated Names Log

The Generate Names Log displays all names generated using the Azure Naming Tool, along with the selected components.

Generated Names Log

Page Sections/Actions
Export Generated Names Log

This functionality allows the generated names to be exported to a CSV file. The Filter option can be used to specify the names exported.


The Reference page displays all sample resource type names, using the configured components.

Reference Page

Page Sections/Actions

This section displays a sample generated name for the resource type using the current components.


This section displays the first option for each component. These components are used to generate the sample name.

Naming Guidelines

This section displays the naming guidelines for the resource type.